Judge Doty's Gestapo Threats Rendition

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


MN Sr. Judge David S. Doty's Illegal Gestapo Threats Rendition

Northwest Airlines Profiling Attack, Ensuring SECRET TRIBUNAL, Judicial Persecution Corruption, Illicit threat
Main Site: http://justiceforjamesfamily.blogspot.com

MAIN SITE: Northwest Airlines Profiling Attack Covert Secret Tribunal

Judge Doty’s Gestapo Threats Rendition at the Close of Our Trial:

Judge Doty has a history of criminal charges and allegations against him as can be seen at the following web address: http://www.clr.org/fed-judges.html Of course his position as Senior District Court Judge has granted him immunity from due accountability under the law.

At the close of our trial Judge Doty threatened to have the U.S. Marshalls follow us “to the ends of the earth” in the context of warning me that I had ought not fail to appear in attendance for the forthcoming sentencing subsequent to the (corrupted) trial.
Judge Doty stated “and I’ll tell you right now, if you don’t show up for sentencing, I’ll send the U.S. Marshalls out hunting for you; He then likened his scenario to Hollywood, stating further
“and Don’t Think It’s Not Like Hollywood because it is-they overdo the FBI in the movies – but Not the U.S. Marshals- THEY’LL HUNT YOU DOWN-EVEN YEARS LATER THEY’LL GET YOU…”
Years from now they’ll pull you out of another country if they have to. I’ve seen it happen many times before!
…But I’m not to worried (coyly) we have a pretty good relationship with Canada right now so I don’t see that being a problem at all.

Evidence That Judge Doty Intends To Act On His Illegal Gestapo Threats:
Parkdale Legal Clinic Member, Ian Hu, at 416-531-2411 ext. 254 “ The US marshals have been known to come across the border illegally to kidnap people. For this reason we at the Parkdale Legal Clinic recommend a conciliatory approach.”

***As the U.S. Marshals do not have the authority to come up into a different country directly and "get" people-this consititutes an illegal threat made by this notorious judge who has had a history of placing himself above law.

An attorney with whom I spoke on my tapped phone line who’s name I will keep anonymous out of consideration. “ I am familiar with Judge David Doty- let’s just leave it at that…I have to be careful what I say on this line. I am very sure that the NSA are on our line and on any line going from Canada into the United States, for a certainty, so we need to be careful what we say…”

Judge David S. Doty Sr District Court Judge MN has corrupted himself entirely in this matter: He has facilitated the use of illegal application of law in allowing prosecution court room theatrics, a corrupted ‘blue collar’ (pre ordained/corrupted) jury pool with NSA, FBI, CIA as its components, missaplication of law and the admittance of courtroom theatrics overtly false testimony exposed, yet left unchallenged and even more incredulous, the uttering of threats against us in the closing moments of the trial to the effect of the rendition detailed above.
Judge Doty has truly placed himself above the law and beyond the law.

NWA Profiling Attack On Family and I / Gov’t Persecution Illegal Threats/Corruption/ Intimidation Exposed
BACK TO MAIN WEB PAGE: http://justiceforjamesfamily.blogspot.com

judge david s. doty, judge doty, Erica H. Mac Donald, Sean Hoerdt, Brad Wingate, Bruce Milton, MN Police, MN, Minneapolis, senior district court judge david s. doty, Hennepin County, CUAPB, judicial corruption, Sherrie A. Caudill, 9'11, 9/11, 9-11, judge david s. doty, judge doty, Erica H. Mac Donald, Sean Hoerdt, Brad Wingate, Bruce Milton, MN Police, MN, Minneapolis, senior district court judge david s. doty, Hennepin County, CUAPB, judicial corruption, Sherrie A. Caudill, 9'11, 9/11, 9-11, judge david s. doty, judge doty, Erica H. Mac Donald, Sean Hoerdt, Brad Wingate, Bruce Milton, MN Police, MN, Minneapolis, senior district court judge david s. doty, Hennepin County, CUAPB, judicial corruption, Sherrie A. Caudill, 9'11, 9/11, 9-11,

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October 2006  

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